, pub-4358400797418858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TUTTOPROF.: 5 Siti web utili per lavorare con i file PDF, pub-4358400797418858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

5 Siti web utili per lavorare con i file PDF

I PDF sono un modo fantastico per trasmettere informazioni on-line in modo sicuro, perché sono versioni di file di sola lettura. Articoli accademici e riviste pubblicano tramite PDF, così come molte aziende e organizzazioni. Oltre a utilizzare i file PDF per distribuire volantini per gli studenti on-line, in modo che non possano accidentalmente modificare o eliminare le informazioni e generare confusione.

Purtroppo, queste caratteristiche dei file PDF possono renderli difficili da utilizzare quando è necessario modificarli o compilarli per la tua classe.

Ecco 5 siti utili per lavorare con i file PDF:

    Ever needed to split a large PDF file into multiple sections? Or need to take a document and remove the first page? Thanks to PDFSplit you can now separate files with ease online. Just upload the file, enter the page numbers you want to split up, and press go!
    The opposite of PDFSplit, 
    PDFMerge lets you combine multiple PDF files into one large file. Just upload the individual files to the website and click Merge!
  3. HTML to PDF
    Need to turn a website into a PDF file? No problem – just enter the URL in and adjust the settings, then hit Get PDF! This is especially handy if you need to convert a website into a format that is easier to print and distribute.
    Need to add an encrypted password to a PDF to make sure it is only accessible by certain people? Simple. Just upload the PDF and type in your password. You can even adjust how highly encrypted the file is!
    Need to rotate the pages in a PDF file? This happens to me most often – someone will save a file in the landscape orientation and then I can’t seem to rotate it through my PDF viewer. Just upload the file here and select which way you need it rotated!

  fonte: teachbytes